Friday, February 26, 2016

Chapter 16-17 Quotation

" That's all I'm is, " he said. He turned away from her. "I didn't ask to be born."

This quote indicates both and internal conflict as well as an external conflict. The internal conflict is with Jefferson and his thought about the situation he is in. One can infer that Jefferson is upset because of where is life is heading. He feel as if he would not have any of these problems if he was never born. The conflict between Jefferson and his aunt is basically the fact that Jefferson is purposely saying things that he knows will upset her.

The quote characterizes Jefferson based on his personality. The fact that he is intentionally hurting his aunt and showing no remorse makes him seem uncaring.

"We're all going to die, Jefferson."
" Tomorrow, Mr. Teacher,that's when you go'n die? Next week?"

This quotation relates to the theme Heroes and also sadness. Grant is trying to be a hero and make Jefferson feel about being imprisoned but Jefferson isn't listening to him because he is overwhelmed with sadness.

Friday, February 19, 2016

My vacation spot

If I could visit anywhere on Earth I would go to Puerto Rico. The reason why is because my great grandmother is originally from there. She came to America when she was 19 years old. While here in America she met my great grandad who was also an immigrant from Jamaica. She often speaks about how much she misses home and her favorite places in Puerto Rico. I would love to visit them one day. Also , I am intrigued by tropical styles and foods. Vibrant colors and and different festivities are also one of the main reasons why I would like to visit Puerto Rico some day.

Tuesday, February 2, 2016

My getaway spot

I believe many people need their special spots in order to get away from things that are troubling them. In life, one may face many situations that may call for time away. Not everyone can actually get away from their problems when they desire to . That is why it is good to have a place that makes one feel as if they had. My special place is actually not a place. It is an item. Whenever I want to get away from things that bothers me , I indulge in my music. Music is my escape. I could be in my room , in the doctors office , or in an actual studio. As long as music is involved, I may escape. 

About Me

My name is Satira McCord. I am currently enrolled at Ben C. Rain highschool. I take AP Biology , AP American history , and AP Literature. I am part of Velocity Dance Company and BC Rain's Auxiliary. I plan on attending either Auburn University , Southern University or Lindenhood when I start college. I plan to major in Psychology and minor in Pre-law. I enjoy singing , dancing , and analyzing people's emotions.